
An applied music course will help you gain advanced practical skills in musical performance, composition, or paedagogy. You’ll gather expertise in a primary instrument, voice, or area of interest, honing technical proficiency and artistic expression.

Core modules include music theory, history, and ensemble performance, with opportunities for solo recitals and collaborative projects. This programme is suitable for those who are passionate about pursuing excellence in music as a profession or art form.


  1. Develop proficiency in instruments or voice
  2. Learn to perform music with emotion and authenticity
  3. Cultivate analytical skills for music
  4. Prepare for solos and bands


  1. Academic Qualification
  2. English Proficiency

Curriculum Outline

  1. Performance practice
  2. Ensemble
  3. Music in its widest context: social, cultural, historical
  4. Creativity is more important than knowledge
  5. Remote digital music collaboration
  6. The effective contributor
  7. Music, power and commerce
  8. Creative skills
  9. Creation through technology
  10. Professional practice
  11. Music in social and historical contexts
  12. Music in educational and community contexts
  13. Applied music research skills
  14. Creative identity
  15. Creative technology applications
  16. Applied music: performance, creation or research
  17. Applied music: critique and evaluation

Teaching Method

  1. Lectures
  2. Practice
  3. Seminars
  4. Studio learning


  1. Keyboard
  2. Advanced Keyboard
  3. Harmony and Counterpoint
  4. Ear Training/Musicianship
  5. Music Notation Software
  6. Professional Preparation for a Music Career
  7. Instruction
  8. Private Instruction
  9. Ensemble
  10. Chorus
  11. History of Hip Hop
  12. History of Rock n’ Roll
  13. History of Rhythm and Blues
  14. History of Pop Music
  15. History of Country Music
  16. Intro to World Music
  17. Digital Audio
  18. Music Business
  19. Monetisation of Music
  20. The Making of the Album
  21. Women in Music
  22. Foundations of Recording

Assessment Methods

  1. Aural Skills Tests
  2. Performance Examinations
  3. Jury Evaluations
  4. Written Assignments

Course Duration

The course duration can vary by country and institution. In the UK, it takes about 2 years to complete.


  1. Practice Rooms
  2. Performance Venues
  3. Rehearsal Spaces
  4. Music Studios
  5. Instrument Libraries
  6. Music Technology Labs
  7. Digital Resources

Career Pathways

  1. Musician
  2. Teacher
  3. Concert manager
  4. Facilities manager
  5. Talent agent
  6. Music publisher
  7. Label producer
  8. Promoter/publicist
  9. Music critic
  10. Music supervisor
  11. Music writer

Fees and Fundings

The fees per year for an applied music course for international students can lie between £5,000 and £15,000 in the UK, but the amount can vary by country and university.

Entry Requirements

  1. A high school diploma or equivalent
  2. English Language Proficiency
  3. Personal Statement
  4. References

Field Work and Internships

  1. Orchestra or Ensemble Participation
  2. Solo Performances
  3. Teaching Assistantships
  4. Music Therapy
  5. Music Advocacy and Outreach
  6. Collaborations with Professional Musicians
  7. Music Production and Technology Internships
  8. Music Education Internships


  1. Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music (ABRSM)
  2. DipABRSM
  3. LRSM
  4. Certified Music Educator
  5. National Association for Music Education (NAfME)
  6. Board Certification in Music Therapy (MT-BC)
  7. The Audio Engineering Society


In the UK, the primary intake happens in September/October, and the secondary intake happens in January/February.

Student Testimony

“I have had an amazing time and would do it all again if I could." “In 1st and 2nd year here we did classical, contemporary and traditional and in the 3rd year I specialised in solo performance and in traditional as my genre.”

“We did modules in the history of Irish music, song and dance and in contemporary music and western art music.” [Martha Guiney from Dundalk Institute of Technology]

Frequently asked questions

Applied music is one type of musical performance that is taught in a school or college and is also known as practical music.