STEM vs STEAM education: Why A matters!

STEM vs STEAM education: Why A matters!

STEM and STEAM sound the same and almost look the same, but there’s a teeny-tiny difference that makes a huge difference.

STEM and STEAM sound the same and almost look the same, but there’s a teeny-tiny difference that makes a huge difference. It’s the ‘A’ in STEAM, which represents Arts. The ‘A’ includes anything that falls under the Arts section.

A debate that has been going on for years among many scholars is if the ‘A’ in STEAM is really necessary! Some agree, and some disagree with the involvement of A in STEAM. The question arises: Is the ‘A’ in STEAM really worth it?

Well, in this blog, we will cover everything about STEM vs STEAM education in detail. We assure you that after this blog, you’ll have no more confusion regarding STEM and STEAM education.

So, without any further ado, let’s go!

What is STEM?

STEM stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. If you want to have a career in STEM-related industries, then STEM-focused education is best for you. Schools and colleges are now more focused on the STEM learning method than ever, as the skills it offers are necessary to shine in the real world.

STEM education can vary depending on how the school, district, or teacher defines it. One good example is that some schools may consider political science as STEM subjects, while others only consider traditional science subjects like chemistry and biology as STEM subjects.

(Did you know that STEM was SMET at first, and then in 2001, it was changed into STEM when scientific administrators used it at the National Science Foundation?)

What Is STEAM?

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. It is pretty similar to STEM except for the ‘Arts’ part. Due to the demand for soft skills across almost every industry, the arts were included in STEM.

After adding the arts to STEM, STEAM now also focuses on the study of humanities, language arts, dance, drama, music, visual arts, design, new media, and more, along with STEM subjects. It helps develop soft skills such as emotional intelligence and creativity.

In 2006, famous researcher Georgette Yakman felt that STEM could be improved and would be way better if combined with arts subjects, and therefore, she added the ‘Arts’ part in STEM, and that’s where STEAM was born.

STEM vs STEAM education

The prime difference between STEM and STEAM education is the way they are approached. STEM mainly focuses on the major science subjects like chemistry, biology, and chemistry; STEAM also focuses on these subjects but with a great touch of fine arts.

A STEM education has great value since science is all around us, and the demand is growing rapidly. Still, sometimes, STEM education can be of less value due to the lack of creativity and critical thinking.

According to Gartner, by the end of 2030, 80% of today’s project management tasks will be replaced by AI, but there are specific soft skills that even AI can’t replace, which are teamwork, cooperation, creativity, adaptation to change, and more.

In today’s market, these soft skills are needed for every employee to enhance their career, and that’s where STEAM plays a great role.

The sound difference between STEM and STEAM is given below.

Focused on engineering, technological, and mathematical skills.Focused more on hard and soft skills to solve problems.
Promotes scientific thinking.Promotes critical thinking.
Uses practical tools and modes of teaching.Uses data visualisation or fine art imagery.

STEM and STEAM: Pros and Cons

Let’s have a look at the pros and cons of STEM vs STEAM.

Pros of STEAM education:

  1. ‘Good communication is the bridge between confusion and clarity.’ Without proper communication, it’s impossible to shine in your career, and STEAM will help you to communicate better.
  2. You’ll be one step ahead of the rest as the demand for STEAM education is increasing rapidly.
  3. Know that one guy who is more confident than others? Wanna know what he has that the rest don't? It’s confidence, and STEAM will help you develop it.
  4. By adding arts to STEM, you are most likely to grow creativity and imagination.
  5. You will be more comfortable working in groups; thus, it will boost you up to become a team leader.
  6. Social skills are a must for everyone. You will develop a great sense of social skills and empathy that will help you to solve problems together.
  7. You’ll be encouraged to think critically and not in some boring way.
  8. When you open yourself to critical thinking, creativity, and curiosity, you’ll be promoting a sense of innovation.
  9. You will learn to see things and solve things from different eyes and will be able to think outside the box.

Cons of STEAM education:

  1. Every school has its own curriculum set for STEM programmes, but there are no clear standards or curricula for STEAM.
  2. There could be difficulty in finding qualified tutors for STEAM.

STEM and STEAM: What’s better?

Between STEM and STEAM, STEAM would definitely be a better option. With the arts, you’ll be able to cope with the demands of the real world as well as the job market.

STEAM education is very important in this evolving world. Students need to adapt better to the changing nature of the job market, and in today’s market, technical knowledge and skills aren’t enough; soft skills are also mandatory.

The more, the merrier; adding one more section to your education will do you no harm, but it’ll definitely enhance your career, education, and way of thinking. That’s why STEAM would be the one students should aim for.

Final note

Well, it’s time to wrap it up. We hope that this blog about STEM vs STEAM education was of immense help to you. STEM and STEAM are not enemies fighting for a price; instead, they are companions in so many words; if you combine them, you will be prepared for the 21st century, where soft skills are as mandatory as hard skills.

That about sums it up, and best of luck to your future!


What is STEAM education, and why is it important?

STEAM education adds arts with STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math), and it’s important because you will develop critical thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills that are needed for today’s world.

What does STEAM stand for?

STEAM stands for science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics.

Why are STEM and STEAM lumped together?

STEM and STEAM are often lumped together because they share the same educational principles, but there is an "A" in STEAM that makes a huge difference.

What is the main difference between STEM and STEAM?

The main difference between STEM and STEAM is that STEM focuses solely on hard skills, whereas STEAM focuses both on hard skills and soft skills.

Why was the STEM changed to STEAM?

Due to the addition of arts, STEM was changed into STEAM.